Investment Scams - December 2023

The strategies wielded by cyber adversaries are progressively sophisticated, with contemporary online deceiversstopping at nothing to secure their objectives—be it your financial assets or sensitive banking data. Hence, wereiterate our call for citizens to exercise prudence and steer clear of falling prey to diverse internet ruses andabstain from participating in dubious monetary transactions.

Deceptive Investments—predominantly featuring enticements that pledge handsome returns within variousinvestment realms such as cryptocurrencies, equities, bonds, precious metals, foreign real estate, or alternativeenergy ventures. Key indicators involve assurances of swift and substantial gains, claims of investment security,and recurrent unsolicited calls proffering time-limited opportunities. Victims may be lured into believing the offeris exclusive to them, urged not to divulge it to others. Upon fund deposition, the victim relinquishes control overprocured assets, as the fraudster expeditiously transfers the funds to their account.

Simultaneously, thecounterfeit website displaying the victim's account masquerades as authentic, deceitfully showcasing notableprofits. Perpetrators keep victims in the dark and, to facilitate the payout of fictitious profits, coerce new paymentsunder the guise of fees, taxes, or analogous charges. Communication with victims transpires through emails andphone conversations in English and, more recently, in Croatian with an unfamiliar dialect.

At this juncture, we emphasize the importance of vigilance among citizens to thwart succumbing to this form ofdeception. For those contemplating investments, it is advisable to seek counsel from local financial experts,engaging exclusively with duly registered and vetted traders in Croatia.

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