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Did you lose money in online trading?

If you have been subject to fraudulent or improper broker practice, we can help you to get your money BACK.

We have expertise and knowledge in dealing with the brokerage companies who offer trading with: Forex, Stocks and commodities.
4.8 out of 5       Trustpilot

How it works


Preliminary check

You share the specifics regarding your case with one of our consultants. During a preliminary check we can determine if the client is suitable for a refund, and as well his chances of success.


Evidence gathering

Client provides detailed information on his dealings with the broker in question. After we gather all information and assess them, we prepare a formal complaint that shall be submitted to the brokerage company and to the Financial Ombudsman Office.


Money retrieval

Skupa s našim klijentom podnosimo formalnu žalbu i upravljamo procesom. Kada se proces uspješno završi i tek nakon što naš klijent primi uplatu, dobivamo našu proviziju za taj slučaj.

You pay a fee only if we retreive your funds. The fee is proposed by us after the preliminary check.

ESMA - European Securities and Markets authority:

'' is appropriate to make it clear that principles to act honestly, fairly and professionally and obligation to be fair, clear and not misleading apply to the relationship with any client.'' - MIFID II

Success Stories

“Iskreno nisem verjel, da je povrnitev sredstev možna. Ker Refundfx deluje po principu ‘no win no fee’, sem se odločil, da izkoristim njihovo pomoč. Še danes ne morem verjeti, da sem z njihovo pomočjo tako hitro dobil ves izgubljen denar.“



“Lahko samo rečem, da sem izjemno vesel, da sem našel agencijo RefundFx. Celoten pritožbenipostopek zoper podjetje, kasneje pa tudi pred finančnim Ombudsmanom na Cipru, je potekal izjemnoprofesionalno. Brez njihove pomoči nikoli ne bi mogel povrniti denarja, ki mi ga je s prevaro vzelopodjetje, ki ponuja speltna trgovanja.“



“Sodelovanje z Refundfx je bilo profesionalno, hitro in uspešno, saj sem si v manj kot mesecu dni z njihovo pomočjo uspel povrniti vsa izgubljena sredstva.“



“Proces pritožbe je bil dolgotrajen in zapleten, saj smo morali pritožbeni postopek voditi pred finančnimOmbudsmanom na Cipru. Zaradi zapletenosti postopka in preiskave, ki je trajala več kot 6 mesecev,nisem verjel, da bo povrnitev možna. Predstavniki agencije RefundFx so mi ves čas postopka nudili velikopodporo in neizmerno sem jim hvaležen, saj sem z njihovo pomočjo na koncu uspel povrniti vsaizgubljena sredstva. Hvala RefundFx“



“Izrazito sam bio zadovoljan pristupačnošću i vođenjem cijelog procesa gdje je svaki korak vođenprofesionalno i efikasno. Nisam uistinu vjerovao da je moguće povratiti išta ali evo u relativno kratkomvremenu povraćen je veliki dio izgubljenog novca. Možete imati apsolutno povjerenje i opustiti setijekom cijelog procesa. Hvala vam još jednom od srca.”



“Kada sam naišao na ovu tvrtku bio sam vrlo skeptičan. Budući da nema troškova u slučaju negativnogishoda odlučio sam pokušati. Ugodno sam iznenađen profesionalnim pristupom i podrškom djelatnika. Unekoliko mjeseci mi je vraćen na prevaru uzet novac. Da nisam srećom naišao na RefundFx, izgubio bisve uloženo.”



“RefundFx je moj rešitelj! Izgubil sem denar pri spletnem trgovanju, a njihova ekipa me je vodila skoziproces povračila z izjemno strokovnostjo. Hitro in učinkovito so mi pomagali povrniti izgubljena sredstva.Hvala, RefundFx, ker ste naredili nemogoče mogoče!“



“RefundFx je bio neprocjenjiv partner u povratu mog izgubljenog novca. Njihov tim je pokazao iznimnuprofesionalnost i odzivnost. Zahvaljujući RefundFx uspio sam povratiti svoje izgubljene financije.Preporučujem svima koji se nađu u sličnoj situaciji.”



“Hvala Vam zaista ste mi brzo uspjeli vratiti moj novac koji sam uplatila i izgubila . Hvala Vam puno.Zaista sam Vam zahvalna. Hvala”



“Iskreno, nisam vjerovala da je moguće dobiti natrag novac izgubljen pri online trgovanju. Kad samstupila u kontakt s RefundFx, umirili su me i preuzeli kontrolu nad situacijom. Njihova brza reakcija istručnost su me oduševile, a rezultati su bili fantastični. Zahvaljujući RefundFx, ponovno sam vlasnicasvog izgubljenog imovinskog stanja. Toplo preporučujem njihove usluge!“



“Kada sam naišla na oglas RefundFx na internetu, bila sam skeptična, ali sam odlučila im pružiti priliku.Nisam bila razočarana! Njihov tim bio je izuzetno učinkovit i pomogao mi je povratiti izgubljeni novac.Postupak je bio izuzetno transparentan, što je za mene bilo ključno. Sada s ponosom preporučujemRefundFx svakoj ženi koja treba pomoć u povratu sredstava pri online trgovanju“



We can help you retrieve your money if your broker is regulated under one of the following regulating bodies:

It’s time to get your money back

Most people believe they need to enlist the help of a lawyer or the police, if they have fallen victims to an online trading fraud. Unfortunately in this cases, neither a layer or the police will be able to get your money back. The correct address for the recovery of lost funds are specialised agencies that deal exclusively with refunds connected to online trading.

What to do?

If the refund application is based on the false persumption of a fraud, such an error may result in an unsuccessful refund. Various rights exist to protect you, and depending on the specifics of your case, the right approach must be taken to ensure that you are eligable for a refund.

You have 12 months to act

Every investor can apply for a refund with their broker, but most online trading providers employ entire departments ran by lawyers, whose only job is to reject your claim.


"Honestly, I didn’t believe that a refund was possible. Because RefundFx works on the principle of ‘no win no fee’, I decided to reach for their help. Even today, I can’t believe I got all the lost money so quickly with their help."


"I can only say that I am extremely happy to have found the RefundFx agency. The entire complaint procedure against the company and later also in front of the Financial Ombudsman in Cyprus was conducted extremely professionally. Without their help, I would never have been able to recoup the money that was fraudulently taken from me by a company that offers online trading."


"Working with RefundFx was professional, fast, and successful. I was able to recover all the lost funds in less than a month."


"The complaint process was lengthy and complicated, as we had to conduct a complaint procedure in front of the Financial Ombudsman in Cyprus. Due to the complexity of the procedure and the investigation, which lasted more than 6 months, I didn’t believe that refund would be possible. The representatives of the RefundFx agency gave me great support throughout the proceedings and I am immensely grateful to them because, in the end, I managed to recover all the lost funds. Thank you RefundFx."


It’s time
to get your money back

Most people believe they need to enlist the help of a lawyer or the police, if they have fallen victims to an online trading fraud. Unfortunately in this cases, neither a layer or the police will be able to get your money back. The correct address for the recovery of lost funds are specialised agencies that deal exclusively with refunds connected to online trading.

What to do?

If the refund application is based on the false persumption of a fraud, such an error may result in an unsuccessful refund. Various rights exist to protect you, and depending on the specifics of your case, the right approach must be taken to ensure that you are eligable for a refund.

You have 12 months to act

Every investor can apply for a refund with their broker, but most online trading providers employ entire departments ran by lawyers, whose only job is to reject your claim.

With years of experience and expertise, we are ready to stand for your rights. We will prepare a complaint free of charge, and work hard to get your money back.

Why choose Refundfx?

We are a specialized agency with years of experience in the field of online trading fraud. Over the last two years, we have helped recover funds for investors from Europe, Asia and Australia.

We have a good market overview
We have the expertise and operating knowledge that are required to make a successful case.
We know the regulations
Most regulated brokers are working under one of the following Europen licenses: SySEC, FCA, Bafin, KPWig, HCMC, CONSOB; We established an expert network with several lawyers' offices around Europe.
We have 74% success rate
Our team is ready to exhaust every method we have available to get you your money back.


Take a moment and educate yourself with the variety of the blogs we have prepared for you

Join other investors that successfuly got their funds back

Join the ranks of savvy investors who have successfully recovered their funds through our dedicated support. Our strategic collaborations with a network of reputable law firms across Europe, each renowned for their integrity and legal prowess. Our partnerships are carefully curated to ensure that every complaint procedure is backed by the highest level of legal expertise available.

83% of investors that trade with brokers lose their funds.

Latest News

Below you can read the latest news on online trading fraud.

Understanding the landscape of crypto scams

Scam Exposed: Prosecutor Stamenković Details Elaborate Network with Serbia at Center, Bulgaria's IT Unit, and Cyprus-Israel in Managerial Roles.

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Investment Scams - December 2023

Be on guard: A surge in sophisticated online frauds is targeting financial assets and sensitive data. Stay vigilant against deceptive investments.

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Investment Scams - March 2023

Belgrade Scam Hub Raided: Global Crackdown Targets Fraud Networks with 127,000 Potential Victims.

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Investment Scams - January 2023

Scam Exposed: Prosecutor Stamenković Details Elaborate Network with Serbia at Center, Bulgaria's IT Unit, and Cyprus-Israel in Managerial Roles.

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You are not alone
Join other investors that successfuly got their funds back
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83% of investors that trade with brokers lose their funds.
Did you lose money trading?
You have 12 months to act. Get in touch now.
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