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ESMA - Evropski organ za vrednostne papirje in trge:

''... pomembno je pojasniti, da za odnos s katero koli stranko veljajo načela poštenega, profesionalnega, ter obveznost jasnega in ne zavajajočega delovanja.'' - MIFID II


"Iskreno nisem verjel, da je povrnitev sredstev možna. Ker Refundfx deluje po principu ‘no win no fee’, sem se odločil, da izkoristim njihovo pomoč. Še danes ne morem verjeti, da sem z njihovo pomočjo tako hitro dobil ves izgubljen denar."


I can only say that I am extremely happy to have found the RefundFx agency. The entire complaint procedure against the company and later also in front of the Financial Ombudsman in Cyprus was conducted extremely professionally. Without their help, I would never have been able to recoup the money that was fraudulently taken from me by a company that offers online trading.


Working with RefundFx was professional, fast, and successful. I was able to recover all the lost funds in less than a month.


The complaint process was lengthy and complicated, as we had to conduct a complaint procedure in front of the Financial Ombudsman in Cyprus. Due to the complexity of the procedure and the investigation, which lasted more than 6 months, I didn’t believe that refund would be possible. The representatives of the RefundFx agency gave me great support throughout the proceedings and I am immensely grateful to them because, in the end, I managed to recover all the lost funds. Thank you RefundFx.

Do povrnitve izgubljenih sredstev vam lahko pomagamo v primeru, da je podjetje pri katerem ste trgovali pod nadzorom enega izmed spodnjih regulatorjev.: